Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Wolverine (2013)

According to IMDb Wolverine 2013 is:

"Summoned to Japan by an old acquaintance, Wolverine becomes embroiled in a conflict that forces him to confront his own demons."

It is a superbly entertaining film involving loyalty, betrayel, special effects and NINJAS! However, it is also TOTALLY inappropriate for a 12A rating!!!!

I saw this film this week and was shocked to see a boy who looked about 8 sit through a film which had a 40+ friend of mine cringing at the violence.

The film has a 12a rating here in the UK so what does that actually mean? If you thought 12 and above, you’d be wrong! According to the BBFC it means:

“The A stands for ‘accompanied’ and ‘advisory’. Children younger than 12 may see the film if they are accompanied by an adult” 

Well-Heavens above! Surely there is a lower age limit?!?! The answer from the BBFC is a resounding


The adult is allowed to make the decision, and on that logic:

Responsible adult…

“No way are you watching these torture scenes and other example of gratuitous violence”

Irresponsible adult…

“What do I care….I'm irresponsible, remember!”

So, in conclusion, if you like Bruce Lee style fight scenes; Indiana Jones style train rides and Marvel comic style characters then this is the film for you….that is, if you are over 15 and with a strong stomach.

If, on the other hand, you are under 15 or subject to the guidance of an irresponsible adult, give the film a wide birth….that is until you are at least mature enough to contextualise what’s going on.

Who am I fooling? You are going to see it anyway; you like all that excitement, whether or not it’s good for you.

Parents, if you have any say-please don’t take your under 12 to see this film and encourage your 12-15 to hold off a bit. It's worth the wait.

Good luck!