Wednesday, 27 August 2014

1400 children abused in Rotherham-but who sexualised them in the first place?

There is clearly a question to be answered with regard to the race of the abusers. Some would say it's more a question of religion. These sex offenders were predominantly Muslims. Sikhs and Hindus have complained about being 'tarred with the same brush'. That said, we don't have to look too far back to remember those horrific rape cases, in India. Evidently, we need to reflect upon the way some men view women and children.

Race played a role....but it wasn't the only factor!

Police Officers were reported to have regarded the girls (mostly) as little more than prostitutes, whose own behaviour put them at risk and led them into harms way. But why should anyone be surprised that young people act this way, after decades of 'liberal' ideological brainwashing. Children are told that adolescence is a time of 'experimentation', of finding out 'who we are' and learning about 'what makes us feel good', take the pill 'your parents don't have to can even get it over the counter'. With such clear (I'd love to say mixed, but can't) signals, are any of us genuinely surprised.

There are no quick fixes to society's ills, but can I recommend this link for a few helpful tips, when chatting with our young people....even mentioning that taboo subject-Chastity.


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