Thursday 3 January 2013

A huge (Russian) bear hug for Depardieu!

GD playing the part of Russian monk Rasputin, in a recent film.
Driven away by Hollande's oppressive Tax regime, known Rusophile Gerard Deparieu may embrace Russian President Putin's offer of Russian citizenship and a stunning flat personal rate of 13% income tax.

To gain the generous 13% break, GD could live in Russia for six months in each tax year or take Vlad's generous offer.

Don't be surprised Mr H if Gerard goes for dual-citizenship...or even gives up his French passport altogether. At a time where parents are struggling to send their children to even the most reasonably priced, but excellent, schools like Chavagnes, this socialist French government seems to be doing all it can to make life difficult.

Well done to those who stand up to Tax bullies, everywhere.

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