Saturday 5 January 2013

Gay Bishops???

Picture courtesy of

It is time, dear brethren of the Anglican persuasion, to come back to mother Church.

We knew it could only end in tears when you broke away to allow an errant king to pursue his own base nature. Upon such a foundation collapse was inevitable; build your house on sand....etc and you know what to expect. (Matthew 7:24-27).

So we shouldn't be too surprised when the Church of England allows:

Gay Clergy,
                   in civil partnerships,
                                                  to become Bishops...

                                                                    as long as they remain celibate!?!?!

Yes-you read correctly!

I'm not going to even attempt to unpick the thinking behind this inherent madness; suffice to say that this is what happens when we stray too far from the central teachings of Christ, as given through the magesterium of the Church; this is what happens when we follow what we think might be true and turn away from what we know to be true. I imagine this may still be a minority sport, two Bishops getting hitched, but I can't somehow see them being reserved a place on Noah's ark.

That said, my dear brethren, we do want you back; we pray to welcome you back into the fold; its time to come home.

Matthew 7:24-27

image courtesy of


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