Friday 17 August 2012

A Right Russian Riot

According to, a Feminist Russian band have been charged with ‘Hooliganism’ and convicted to 2 years in prison, downgraded from a possible sentence of 7 years.

Image courtesy of

This scandal over the Russian punk band, “P**** Riot”, ‘seems’ to have prompted an over-the-top response from the Putin government-that is until we remember what hooded activists running into public buildings actually symbolises to many Russians.

Image courtesy of Wikipedia
Do you recall the school in Beslan, Russia, in 2004, where hooded terrorists stormed the school in an action that resulted in the deaths of over 300 people, 184 of whom were children? Or the Moscow Opera House siege where at least 120 hostages died. Is it any wonder the Russian government wants to clamp down on hooded activists?

The band claimed to be asking the Virgin Mary to free them from Putin’s oppression? If they had any respect for the beliefs of the many Russians who use Christ the Saviour Cathedral, they wouldn’t have invaded the Church to launch a publicity stunt and mockingly danced around the sacred space.

Now I’ve no problem with punk music per se but have you read any of their lyrics? Here's a sample from the song they chose to sing: 

“All parishioners are crawling and bowing”
“The Head of the KGB is their chief saint”
“In order not to offend the Holy Women have to give birth and to love”
“Holy s***t, s****, Lord’s s***”

Clearly they were genuine in their claim they didn’t mean to offend Christians. 

Why is it that so called 'freedom of speech' activists always seem to defend those who trample roughshod over the beliefs of others.

Now the Church teaches 'forgiveness', but that is for those who are truly repentant; do we really believe this is the case with these women? OK, maybe 2 years is a bit harsh....personally, I'm all for their sentence being downgraded to something which serves the common good, like public street cleaning in Orange style jump suits. 

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