Tuesday 14 August 2012

Cameron's sporting legacy-less school sport!

Real competitiveness! image courtesy of  http://www.chavagnes.org/   

So what does the British Coalition Government really mean when it says it’s committed to an Olympic legacy: it means, at a time of rising obesity, schools will no longer have to provide the minimum of 2 hours Physical Education a week. Not only that, but Cameron et al plan to scrap rules preventing the selling off of yet more school playing fields (as they do not have to provide a minimum amount of space for team sports), according to tomorrow's 'Daily Telegraph'. 

Following the amazing success of the Olympics, this is not what we expect to see any sane government do. Why don’t we go the whole Hog and like French President Hollande, oversee the burning of Youth Clubs and Primary schools…at least the French communities will have these rebuilt.

image courtesy of  http://www.lemonde.fr

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